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Tom Ferry says you're in the wrong career if you're not wanting to use video in real estate in 2020

If you're a real estate agent who knows everything about the industry, then you've most likely known of the #1 ranked real estate coach Tom Ferry.

Tom brings lots of great advice to the table when it comes to selling homes, but one of his most important assets in selling a home is real estate videos. Listen to Tom discuss the importance of video and how you need to be using videos for your listings to become better in the industry.

Why Video?

As Tom says in the video above:

"Video has become the cultural norm. It's become the new standard. Like, you have an email account, and you do video.

... And if you're not doing video the thing I would challenge you on is, if not video, how are you scaling trust? How are you taking your best gifts, your DNA, your superpower - whatever it may be - and make it available for everybody so they can choose you or not choose you, and either one is fine?"

How can real estate agents create videos by themselves for their social media presence?

#1. Interview videos - chat with other realtors, and create video testimonials with past clients.

#2. Informational videos - how-to videos like, "How to select a real estate agent" or "how to arrange an inspection".

#3. Market Updates - What's happening in your local market?

#4. Local business reviews - what businesses are in your area that you can highlight for people moving to your neighborhood?

#5. Go live - Do a Facebook / Instagram live video of a new listing.

#6. Listing videos - Do a walk-through tour of a home. At some point, buyers will start expecting this for all future listings you get.

#7. About me video - Introduce yourself in a video so they know more about you and trust you.

#9. Neighborhood videos Do a video covering events happening in your area so out of town buyers have a good understanding of what to expect if moving to that town.

#9. Neighborhood videos - Talk about the location and what benefits someone would get if moving there.

#10. Get creative - Think outside the box and see what other realtors are doing and take notes on how you could do better than them.

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